Home after knee surgery

knee incisions after minescus surgery
I came home after meniscus surgery with two stitched up holes in my knee.


Deciding to have knee surgery

After months of mild pain, then several weeks of severe pain, I decided see an orthopedic surgeon. I had tried every herbal ointment and rub I could think of, but my knee pain became worse and worse.

After a series of tests and multiple visits to several specialists, my doctors and I decided that surgery was the best option. My meniscus was in terrible shape and needed repairs!

Follow doctors orders!

After having meniscus surgery, my doctor sent me home the same day with a list of instructions. After 24 hours, I removed the hospital bandages, cleaned the area with Betadine antiseptic solution, let it dry, and put band-aids over the incision sites. I did this once a day, while also checking for signs of infection (pus, swelling, or fever).

I applied ice packs occasionally although there was not any swelling. I kept the knee elevated most of the first few days, and tried not to put much weight on it. Using one crutch allowed me to get to the bathroom and around the house without help.

After the third day, I was allowed to take a warm shower. Boy, did that feel wonderful after two days of sponge baths.

The hardest part for me was getting up and down. I learned to use my arms for pushing myself out of a chair. Now I see why they invented those motorized "lift" chairs for old people.

Lift chairs for sale in a store
Lift chairs are sold in most furniture stores - photo provided by Wiki Media. These chairs make life easier for people that have bad knees.


Physical therapy after a meniscus repair

My surgeon said I didn't have to have therapy after my knee surgery! Since COVID was rampant and I was hesitant about going to a crowded facility, this news made me happy. He showed me a couple of exercises to do at home and that is all I needed. Everyone is different, so do what your doctor advises.

Arriving home from the hospital after knee surgery

Have a walker and a cane on hand. Move all rugs and other furnishings in your home that could cause you to trip. Do not let large dogs knock you over. Also beware of cats. My cat Myrrh, is constantly weaving in and out around my feet!



Knee incision after 14 days
Stitches came out after 10 days and the doctor was amazed at my progress.

Keeping things clean

Keeping a surgical incision clean is very important. Please follow your doctor's order exactly!

Don't do anything that could cause damage during the first few weeks. Be careful not to contaminate your body with germs. Do not get drunk or high on pills (you do not want to fall), don't go swimming, do not go anywhere with lots of sand or dust, avoid fumes from traffic and chemicals, don't eat lots of sugar, and avoid smoke.

A clean life is important during healing. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables including lots of berries. Breath fresh air. Drink lots of water and stay hydrated. If you take care of yourself, you will be ready to go dancing before you know it.

If you have been reading my Every Green Herb blog for a while, then you know we grow and sell a variety of herbs, but we also buy a lot, too. Try our favorite herbal suppliers for quality and value.



Why do your knees hurt?

Most knee injuries are a result of aging, sports injury, or work related injury.

Our knees support most of our body weight, making them susceptible to damage and injury. Pivoting on one leg, twisting, walking on uneven surfaces, and even turning over in bed can hurt your knees. Being overweight can also cause knee and joint damage.

If you have a painful condition to the knee that does not respond well to herbs and home remedies, there are various options available. Besides surgery, you can try injections, therapy, and acupuncture to find relief. Your doctor will explain available options depending on your condition.

Living with horrible knee pain causes stress, depression, and other health conditions. See a doctor as soon as you can and hopefully you can find relief.

Types of knee surgeries

I had a meniscus repair, but there are many other types of knee surgeries including:

  • Meniscectomy
  • Meniscus Repair
  • Meniscus Transplant
  • Plica Removal
  • Lateral Release
  • Microfracture
  • ACL Reconstruction
  • Tendon Repair
  • Knee Replacements
  • Arthrotomy

It is amazing what modern medicine can accomplish as our bodies start to wear out due to aging. When herbs and home remedies can't do the job, we can turn to professional healthcare providers. I am so thankful for good surgeons! Without mine, I would be in a wheelchair!

elderly people dancing with joy
Elderly people dance with joy!

Don't give up.

If you aren't old enough for Medicare or can't afford health insurance, there is still hope. Look into free clinics and search for programs that are set up to help people that fall through the cracks.

There are also "care cards" that are like credit cards, but charge less interest. Do not live with pain if you can help it! Pain causes stress which leads to all types of health problems including heart disease and diabetes.

Read more about aging gracefully with herbs.

*Note - before any scheduled surgery, eat a fresh pineapple the week before. The live enzymes in the pineapple will help you to heal faster.

Blessings to you and yours!

Thanks so much for reading my blog. Jan.

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*Note - the information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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