Black walnut in herbal medicine

Black walnuts (Juglans nigra) are one of the best things in nature.

Walnut on tree branch
Black walnut tree with fruit - Photo by Janice Boling


A nutritious food, the nut meats nourish the brain, keep the circulatory system healthy, and provide important vitamins and minerals to the diet. They are packed full of essential fatty acids and are helpful in lowering cholesterol.

Walnut tincture, made from rind and leaves, is used in the treatment of worms and parasites.

Besides medicinal properties, walnut trees provide shade, lumber, and homes for wildlife. I am blessed to live in an area where black walnut trees are plentiful. They are one of my favorite trees!


walnut tincture in a dropper
Walnut tincture is used to get rid of internal worms and parasites.

More about black walnut

Black walnut rinds are an effective remedy to get rid of worms. Take black walnut tincture or tea to expel worms via the colon.

Black walnut tinctures and teas are made from the rind of the nuts and the tree leaves. It is not hard to make a walnut tincture. Here is the recipe:

Black walnut tincture


Green walnut rinds, water, vodka


Vegetable brush, stainless steel or glass container (bowl or pot) with tight-fitting lid, strainer, storage jar with lid


  • To make walnut tincture, gather black walnuts that have fallen off of the tree in late fall.
  • Gather the greenest colored rinds that are free from cracks.
  • Wash well with plain water (no fluoride or chlorine) and scrub with a brush if necessary to get the dirt off.
  • Put the walnuts with green rinds in a large, stainless steel pot or bowl with a tight-fitting lid. (Glass containers work but never use aluminum.)
  • Completely cover the walnut rind hulls with vodka or grain alcohol.
  • Let walnut hulls sit in alcohol for three or four days then strain and pour the brownish black liquid into tightly capped glass jars.
  • Discard walnut hull material.
  • Store your black walnut tincture in the refrigerator for up to three years.


Some people can have an allergic reaction when handling black walnuts hulls. Black walnuts also stain the skin dark brown so use protective gloves when you handle these nuts.

How much tincture do I take for worms?

When treating stubborn parasites, dosage is five to ten drops of black walnut tincture twice a day for up to three months. For added strength, combine the walnut tincture with wormwood tincture and freshly ground cloves.

Some herbal practitioners advise their patients to take a tablespoon of the tincture once a week. Consult with a healthcare professional for exact dosage recommendations. Remember, everyone is different!

Black walnut tincture cautions

Walnut rind tea, tinctures, and extracts contain toxic compounds that kill worms and may cause cramps in humans. Do not over do it or take if you are constipated or if there is a possibility of a blockage. Do not use black walnut tincture on babies, small children, or the elderly without advice from your healthcare professional.

black walnut cracked in half
Photo of a black walnut provided by Wiki Media.

Science, black walnut, and our health

Black walnuts contain phytochemicals that fight inflammation.

Inflammation, a pathophysiological response of the immune system to harmful stimuli, can cause everything from rheumatoid arthritis and skin disorders to cancer.

Eating the meats of black walnuts provide many health benefits such as improving vascular function and reducing the risk of diabetes type 2.

Tests show that taking black walnut extract inhibits cytokine secretion which reduces inflammation.

There are over 700 cultivars of black walnut trees. All of them are useful for hardwood production, nuts, and natural remedies.

The kernels of black walnuts contain beneficial acids that fight harmful bacteria and fungus. Black walnut is proven to be antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antidiabetic, anti-allergic, anti-tumor, antiviral, anti-hypertensive, anti-apoptotic, and diuretic.

During testing, different cultivars of black walnut were shown to have different properties. More research is underway.

If you have been reading my Every Green Herb blog for a while, then you know we grow and sell a variety of herbs, but we also buy a lot, too. Try our favorite herbal suppliers for quality and value.


Walnut is useful in many herbal treatments.

The black walnut tree is considered a potent ally in herbal medicine.

Its leaves are very astringent and antiseptic.

They are used in tea to promote bile flow.

The inner bark of the walnut tree is used as an effective laxative.

Walnut is used as a digestive tonic, as a purgative, and an anti-inflammatory.

Walnut rinds also contain anti-fungal properties.

Infusions of the rind (hull) are good for skin problems like eczema and eyelid inflammation.

Walnut tinctures and infusions are used in the treatment of athlete’s foot, acne, boils, other skin infections, cysts, respiratory problems, asthma, anemia, dandruff, thyroid problems, and excessive perspiration of the hands and feet.

Use walnut leaves and hulls as natural insecticide.

Walnut leaves and hulls can be soaked in water for several days and then used as a natural pest control. The resulting liquid will kill worms in the lawn or garden without harming most plants (test on a small area before widespread use).

Walnut trees have many uses.

Walnut infusions can also be used as a permanent ink or hair coloring.The trees make excellent shade, are a refuge for wild life, and live for centuries.

Walnut trees grow to a height of 60 feet with a large spreading top and thick trunk. The wood is used in furniture making and is an excellent material for gun stocks.

Walnut trees must have full sun. They are draught hardy and do best when protected from the wind.

Walnut trees are grown for the fruit, the wood, and the oil. Walnut oil is delicious in salad dressings.

We have several large one black walnut trees here on Payne Mountain Farms. They provide us, and the squirrels, with a bountiful harvest every fall.

Walnut meats should be stored in the freezer.

After shelling, walnut meats become rancid in just a few weeks. Store them in the freezer for up to a year or wait and remove the shell right before use.

Black walnuts taste different than English walnut. To me, they are much more flavorful. Black walnut nuts make delicious cakes and breads. Cooking really boosts the flavor!

My Aunt Shad Bishop used to make the most delicious black walnut cakes with Seven Minute White Frosting. Not only were black walnuts in the cake batter, they were also sprinkled on the icing.

It took me a few tries, but I finally made my own.

Black walnut cake
Black walnut cake made from scratch on Payne Mountain Farms


*Walnut tincture should only be taken internally under the direction of a licensed healthcare professional. Discontinue use immediately if you experience any side effects. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedy.



Blessings to you and yours!

Thanks so much for reading my blog. Jan.

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*Note - the information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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