Earache herbs

Treating earache with herbs and natural remedies

Earache is a common type of pain that can't be ignored and makes sleep impossible. Severe ear pain or a ruptured ear drum requires professional help or a trip to the emergency room, but mild earache can be successfully treated at home.

Ear piercings should be cleaned with alcohol regularly.
Jewelry wires should be cleaned with alcohol on a regular basis to kill bacteria. Photo of an ear provided by Dreamstime.

Herbs for earache

Ginkgo biloba, turmeric, yellow dock root, garlic, echinacea root, chamomile, yarrow, angelica root, passion flower vine, mullein, and bayberry bark can help heal ear problems.

Drinking herbal teas and taking herbal tinctures can protect, soothe, and act as ear tonics. Do not put herbal tea or tincture in your ears!

Mullein oil for earache

Mullein infused oil can be used as ear drops for relieving pain associated with middle ear problems. A couple of drops at room temperature two times a day and at bedtime can really help. Read more about the healing properties of mullein.

Castor oil and calendula infused oil also make good drops, but do not put anything into the ear if a ruptured eardrum is suspected.

Mullein oil is an old home-remedy for earache.

Make your own mullein infused oil for the ears.

  • Collect a cup full of mullein flower petals.
  • Put them in a pint jar and cover with good quality, cold-pressed olive oil or almond oil.
  • Screw on lid.
  • Keep in dark, cool cabinet or pantry.
  • Gently turn jar daily to distribute plant material.
  • After 2 weeks, strain and store with tight fitting lid for up to one year.
  • In hot climates, store in the refrigerator.
  • Before using as ear drops, warm to body temperature.
  • Put one or two drops in infected ear twice a day and at bedtime until symptoms disappear, or for one week.
  • If symptoms worsen or do not get better after a week, seek help from your healthcare professional.
  • Do not use ear drops if your ear drum is ruptured!


Diagram of the human ear
Diagram of the human ear provided by Wiki Media.

Reasons for earache

There are many reasons for earache including inflammation, infection, excessive wax, ruptured eardrum, dental problems, presence of foreign matter, and a condition known as swimmer's ear.

Symptoms of ear problems

Symptoms range from mild pain to loss of hearing.

There may be acute stabbing pain, localized swelling, fever, nausea, vomiting, discharge from ear, extreme tenderness when ear lobe is pulled, ringing sounds, or an aggravating blocked sensation. Our ability to hear is a precious gift so always seek professional advice if you have anything more that a mild ear problem.

Medicinal herbs for earache pain

White willow bark tea can taken internally by mouth for mild earache pain. Use natural plant antibiotics like yellowroot for infection and build immunity with astragalus. Make herbal teas and drink them several times a day.

If you have been reading my Every Green Herb blog for a while, then you know we grow and sell a variety of herbs, but we also buy a lot, too. Try our favorite herbal suppliers for quality and value.


Sometimes phlegm or mucus buildup causes earache. In this case, antibiotics will not help and should be avoided.

Drinking plantain tea and elder flower tea is recommended to help clear up excess mucus. Yellowroot and eyebright are also well known for having phlegm reducing properties.

In cases of severe pain, fever, discharge, and bacterial infections, consult with your healthcare professional. If you have been swimming in any lake, pond, or body of water and develop an ear infection, it is best to seek professional care. Be sure to tell your healthcare professional to check for algae!

Colds, sinus problems, and trauma can cause ear problems.

Colds, bronchial infection, viral infection, food allergies, air pressure, and high altitudes can cause ear problems. Ruptured eardrums can result from a hard slap to the ear, diving, loud explosions, or repeated serious infections.

Fussy baby
Painting of a fussy baby provided by Wiki Media.

When babies and young children have earaches

Young children are especially prone to ear infection and should receive immediate attention from a healthcare professional.

Symptoms in babies and young children include general fussiness and pulling at their ears. Do not treat babies with herbs unless it is an emergency situation with no other choices.

If professional help is not available, go ahead and put a few drops of warm mullein infused oil in the ear. Then apply a warm cloth, folded to retain heat. Get them to sip some catnip tea, too. This should help your little one (or elderly patient) to get some relief.

Babies (and the elderly) could have unexpected and dangerous reactions to some medicinal herbs, especially if dosage is not correct. Always do some research and talk with a healthcare professional before using herbal remedies!

Chronic ear infection calls for a change in diet.

Chronic ear infection may be treated with a change in diet. Eliminate dairy foods, additives, and preservatives. Avoid sugar, fatty foods, and protein concentrated foods like peanut butter.

Drink lots of clean water and pineapple juice. Avoid sugary fruit drinks. Add green drinks to the diet as the chlorophyll can be very beneficial. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and a few servings of fruit daily.

Other old-time home remedies for earaches

Sometimes an ice pack or hot water bottle can relieve earache pain. Another old timey recipe is to soak a cotton ball in onion juice and put in ear overnight.

Some herbalists recommend apple cider vinegar drops followed by a drop or two of sweet olive oil. Another remedy calls for warm vegetable glycerin and witch hazel drops three times a day or as needed.

I use mullein oil when I have an earache, and have never tried the vinegar & oil or glycerin & witch hazel remedies. I do hate an earache, and if I didn't have mullein flower oil, I would try these other methods. If an earache lasts for more than 24 hours or becomes really bothersome, seek professional help.

One of the five senses, hearing is a precious gift. We should all take good care of our ears! Do you know the five senses?

  1. Hearing
  2. Sight
  3. Smell
  4. Taste
  5. Touch

Ear massage can help speed healing.

Often an ear massage is called for. Gently rub the outer ear parts, the neck, and the temples. Gently pull on the ear lobe 10 or 15 times. Fold ear repeatedly until blood flow is increased and ear becomes pink (or red).

Reflexology and alternative medicines can help bring relief for ear problems.

Ginkgo biloba is the best herb for tinnitus.

Tinnitus is a common condition that affect millions of people every year. It is almost as common as earache, but instead of pain, there is a ringing sensation in the ear.

Many studies show that Ginkgo biloba is an effective natural treatment for ringing in the ears.

In some cultures, marjoram is used to treat tinnitus. Marjoram leaves are steeped in olive oil and then put into the ear with a dropper (one or two drops at a time). Ginseng may also be beneficial.

*Never put anything into the ear if a perforated or ruptured ear drum is suspected. Always consult with a healthcare professional before taking any herbal remedies especially if pregnant, nursing, or taking other medicines.





Blessings to you and yours!

Thanks so much for reading my blog. Jan.

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*Note - the information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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