Herbs for the urinary system

The urinary system is made up of two kidneys, two ureters, the bladder, and the urethra. Urinary problems include everything from bed wetting to kidney stones.

Diagram of the urinary system
Diagram of the female urinary system provided by Wiki Media.

Urinary infections

Urinary infections are a common complaint. Drinking lots of clean water and herbal tea can help. Try bearberry, juniper berry, chamomile, celery seed, viola, or yarrow tea to keep your urinary system healthy.

Other herbs that heal and protect the urinary system include uva-ursi, wild carrot, horsetail, watermelon seeds, barley grass, alfalfa, marshmallow, stinging nettle, goldenrod, slippery elm, oregon grape root, yellowroot, and hydrangea.

Do not drink orange or grapefruit with a urinary infection, and go easy on the lemons. Drinks with high acid content can irritate the urinary tract and do more harm than good.

Drink plenty of water, too. That is one of the most important things you can do for your urinary system and your body. Keep it hydrated!


stalk of celery
To protect against urinary infection, add more celery and celery seed to the diet. Photo of celery provided by Wiki Media.

Symptoms of urinary problems

Do you pee when you laugh, cough, or sneeze? Cystitis, bladder infections, bed wetting, incontinence, and other urinary problems affect millions of people every year. Urinary tract conditions can be severe or mild.

Symptoms include edema (swelling), bloating, painful urination, frequent urination, cloudy urine, fever, blood in the urine, backache, discharge, a burning sensation, nausea, leakage, and itching.

If you are looking for bladder infection remedies, read herbs for bladder problems.

Kidney stones are painful!

Stones can also be a painful urinary problem. They can develop in the kidneys and the bladder.

Symptoms of kidney stones include severe pain that usually comes in waves that last up to an hour and then stop. In cases of tumors or cysts there may not be any early symptoms if flow of urine is not blocked.

When antibiotics just don't seem to work, medicinal herbs and home remedies can help!

Urinary health

Bladder infections, kidney infections, cystitis, urinary stones, and incontinence account for millions of doctor visits every year.

There are also less common disorders. Did you know some people have a horseshoe shaped kidney instead of two regular ones?

I just recently heard about it. People with horseshoe shaped kidneys might never know, unless they volunteer to donate a kidney or have a MRI that shows this abnormality. They live normal lives, although might suffer with constipation more than people with two kidneys.

Herbal baths can help.

Forget taking bubble baths which can irritate sensitive areas! Artificial fragrances and other chemical are not good for your skin or your urinary system. Instead add a few drops of sandalwood, tea tree, and chamomile essential oils to your bath water, along with two cups of vinegar.

If you have been reading my Every Green Herb blog for a while, then you know we grow and sell a variety of herbs, but we also buy a lot, too. Try our favorite herbal suppliers for quality and value.


Stopping urinary incontinence

When pelvic muscles are weak, urinary incontinence may become a problem. Symptoms include leakage when sneezing or lifting. (In men, these symptoms can also indicate a prostate problem.)

Try exercising regularly to strengthen pelvic muscles. Exercising really can help - squeeze your upper thighs and pelvic muscles while driving or sitting at a desk. Do this simple exercise several times a day to improve muscle tone, improve blood flow, and keep the lymphatic system moving.

Exercise can really help stop embarrassing incidents. It sure works for me!

Other things such as loosing weight, good diet, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding soft drinks can help.

3 elderly ladies
The elderly experience urinary problems more often than the young. Photo of three elderly ladies provided by Wiki Media.


Senior citizens often have leakage and other urinary problems. There are products on the market such as adult diapers and pads.

If leakage is hampering your life, you might want to see your doctor. Sometimes a bladder tuck is all it takes to fix a leaky urinary system.

Read more about aging gracefully with herbs.

Science, herbs, and the urinary system

Scientific studies show that saw palmetto berries, nettle root, pumpkin seeds, fennel seeds, licorice root, calendula flowers, and peppermint leaves are useful when treating the urinary tract.

Since harmful bacteria in the urinary system quickly become resistant to prescription antibiotics, scientists are looking for alternative remedies. They have found that many plants are especially suited for treating the urinary system.

Evidence suggests that cranberries work by preventing harmful bacteria from sticking to tissue walls. Probiotics, like you find in yogurt and fermented pickles, act to defend against infection.

Women around the world report taking natural remedies for their urinary infections. Cranberry, mannose, probiotics, potassium supplements, vitamin A, vitamin C, and herbal teas made from plants containing berberine are all useful.

  • Plants like uva ursa, juniper, and cranberry contain antimicrobial compounds that kill harmful organisms.
  • Diuretics like parsley, goldenrod, and stinging nettle increase urine volume to flush out possible pathogens.
  • Plants that contain berberine, like yellowroot and Oregon grape, work to keep bacteria from sticking to host cells.
  • Corn silk tea is shown to reduce urinary infection by reducing painful crystals in the urine, plus killing bacteria.


Many other plants are found to be useful including mimosa, asparagus, garlic, sage, cinnamon, and pomegranate.

Help for bed wetting

Bed wetting may stem from irritated bladder. Bed wetting is not always a urinary disorder. Many different things can cause bed wetting in children and in adults.

First, make sure the bladder is not irritated from drinking too many soft drinks or acidic fruit juices. Do not drink a lot of fluids after dinner and only a sip or two before bed.

Traditional Chinese medicine calls for suoquan and acupuncture to treat bed wetting. Suoquan, also known as Suo Quan Wan, has been used to treat lower urinary infections and bed wetting for centuries.

Read more about Suoquan and bed wetting at the National Library of Medicine.

Get up and move!

The urinary system can become irritated if you sit for long periods, stand too long in one place, or wear tight, restricting clothing. Always take time to stretch and exercise leg muscles throughout the day. When sitting, get up and move around every hour.

*Always consult with a health care professional before taking any herbal remedy especially if pregnant, nursing, or taking other medicines.





Blessings to you and yours!

Thanks so much for reading my blog. Jan.

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